ZONING NOTIFICATION: Zoning Change Approx. 5.7 Acres near Smirl and Carriage Hill – Case No. ZA-2023-01:

Note: This entry was originally posted on January 25, 2023: 4:30 pm and may be out of date.

Conduct a Public Hearing and act on an application to change the zoning classification from (A) Agricultural District to (SF-43) Single Family Residential District on property located generally at 1216 Smirl Drive, being approximately 5.685 acres of land in the E. Teal Survey, Abstract 207, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas and located approximately 300 feet north of the intersection of Smirl Drive and Carriage Hill Lane on the east side of Smirl Drive.
(Rockwall CAD ID No. 110295 and 12687)