ZONING NOTIFICATION: Parking Variance 301 Hubbard Drive – Case No. ZA 2022-03

Note: This entry was originally posted on November 23, 2022: 5:17 pm and may be out of date.

Conduct a Public Hearing and act on a request to amend the (PD-LR) Planned Development for Local Retail Uses zoning district established by Ordinance No. 170912A to allow parking between the structure and street and require a minimum amount of landscaped area of 10% with 20% in the rear yard on property located at 301 Hubbard Drive, being 0.955 acres of land in the J Cantor Survey, Abstract 53, Tract 30, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas and located approximately 1,000 feet southwest of the intersection of Smirl Drive and Hubbard Drive. (Case No. ZA-2022-03)

Download the Public Notice and Vicinity Map (pdf)