ZONING NOTIFICATION: 2508 Buckingham Drive – FV-2020-03

Note: This entry was originally posted on August 13, 2020: 7:00 pm and may be out of date.

Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approval of a Resolution for a variance to Section 157.02 (C), “Fences,” of the Code of Ordinances, that limits fences in the side and rear yards abutting a street to a maximum height of four feet (4’), to allow a proposed exterior side yard fence abutting Wellington Lane to be six feet (6’) in height. The property is platted as Lot 10 of Block C, Wellington Ridge Manor, is addressed as 2508 Buckingham Drive, and is zoned Single-Family 15 (SF 15) District.   (Rockwall County CAD Map ID NO 46573)