ZONING NOTIFICATION: 2290 Lafayette Landing – Case No. FV-2020-05

Note: This entry was originally posted on November 20, 2020: 3:51 pm and may be out of date.

Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Variance to Section 157.02 (C), “Fences,” of the City of Heath Code of Ordinances, which requires fences in the front, side or rear yards abutting a street in a residential area to have a maximum height of four (4) feet. The applicant is requesting to construct a five (5) foot high wrought iron type fence in the front yard of Lot 24, Lafayette Landing, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas. The subject property is addressed as 2290 Lafayette Landing, and is zoned Single-Family 22 (SF 22) District.
(Rockwall County CAD Map ID NO 47040)

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