ZONING NOTIFICATION: 217 Cedar Tree Lane – Case No. CUP-2021-02

Note: This entry was originally posted on January 20, 2021: 4:33 pm and may be out of date.

Conduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a guesthouse that exceeds the maximum permitted building area of 900 square feet and does not meet the minimum building separation requirement on the same lot of fifteen feet (15’). The applicant is requesting approval to construct an approximate 1,793 square foot guesthouse separated from the main house by eleven feet (11’) on 1.136 acres described as Lot 11 of The Cedars Addition at 217 Cedar Tree Lane, Heath, Texas (the Property). The Property is zoned Single-Family 43 (SF 43) District.

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