ZONING NOTIFICATION: 1220 Cedar Ridge – Case No. FV-2018-01

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 20, 2018: 4:48 pm and may be out of date.

Case No. FV-2018-01:

Hold a Public Hearing and consider approval of a Resolution regarding an application for a variance to Section 157.02 (C), Fences, of the City of Heath Code of Ordinances, which requires fences in the front, side or rear yards abutting a street to have a maximum height of four (4’) feet. The applicant is requesting to construct a five (5) foot high tubular steel fence fronting Knoll Crest Trail on Lot 13-R of Block B1, Coveridge Addition, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas. The subject property is addressed as 1220 Cedar Ridge Road and is zoned Single Family-22 Residential District (SF-22). (Rockwall County CAD Map ID # 15889).

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