Trash & Recycling Collection Services

Trash Collection Services
Note: This entry was originally posted on March 30, 2020: 11:30 am and may be out of date.

Thanks to the hard-working crews with Waste Collections, the essential service of trash and recycling remains on schedule. However, workers who show signs of being ill are asked to stay home. That means the burden of keeping up is stretched across a reduced staff. Your patience and grace are greatly appreciated if you experience any delays in collection.

This includes the increased amount of bulky waste that is being placed out for pick up. (More time at home has translated into more time for yard work!) The bulky waste will be picked up, but trash and recycling collection takes first priority. Here’s a reminder on what will be collected (934k pdf), and fees that apply to more than 3 cubic yards of waste (which is 3’ long by 3’ wide by 3’ high).