Storage tank at Water Treatment Plant

Residential Winter Sewer Averaging Method Explained

Note: This entry was originally posted on April 14, 2023: 1:00 pm and may be out of date.

The City uses a winter averaging method for sewer bills to provide existing residential customers the most equitable fee on sewer costs throughout the year.

This method takes the amount of water used during the months of November, December, January and February to calculate an average consumption.  The single month with the highest water usage is removed from the calculation, and the average of the remaining three months is used as a basis for billing sewer charges for the following 12-month period.

New utility customers will be charged the base rate plus the system average times the volume rate.  The new resident fee for FY 2023 is $89.81.  Once a customer has established a winter average, their bill will be based on their consumption not the system average.

Example of the Water Averaging Method:

The water consumption for the months of November, December, January and February are 6, 10, 5, and 4, respectively.  After the high volume of 10 is removed, the winter average is 5.

(Winter Average X Sewer Volume Rate) + Sewer Base Fee = Monthly Charge or 5 X 5.47 + 51.52 = $78.87 monthly charge for the next 12 months.

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 972-771-6228 option 2.