PUBLIC NOTICE: Variance 2140 Zurek Lane – Case No. BA-2023-03

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 27, 2023: 3:56 pm and may be out of date.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Adjustment of the City of Heath, Texas will hold a public hearing at a meeting that begins at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr., Heath, Texas.

At such time, the Board of Adjustment will conduct a Public Hearing and act on a Variance to the Heath Golf and Yacht Club Planned Development Ordinance 120515A, Section 2 (D) that requires a rear setback of 25 feet to allow the proposed extension of a covered patio to encroach 10.5 feet into the required rear setback resulting in a rear setback of 14.5 feet for property located at 2140 Zurek Lane. (Case No. BA-2023-03)

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 2140 Zurek Lane, being 0.32 acres described as Lot 23, Block B, Heath Golf and Yacht Club Phase 1B, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas. A map of the property is attached. (Rockwall CAD ID No. 92233)