Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment – East Side of Myers Road North of Crisp Lane

Note: This entry was originally posted on August 26, 2016: 2:53 pm and may be out of date.

Consider the application of Ben Lowry, applicant, for a zoning change from (A) Agricultural District to (SF-43) Single-Family Residential District for single-family residential use on 1.62 acres of land situated in the J.O. Heath Survey, Abstract No. 116, City of Heath, Rockwall County Texas, and being a part of Tract One and Tract Two as described in a warranty deed from Max Scheid, Trustee to Charles W. Fletcher and Nita B. Fletcher, dated February 22, 1983 and being recorded in Volume 171, Page 581 of the Real Estate Records of Rockwall County, Texas,  located on the east side of Myers Road north of Crisp Lane,  and take any action necessary.  (ZA-2016-08)


  1. Presentation of request.
  2. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments regarding the request.
  3. Discussion and action regarding the request.Public Notice