Volunteers planting Bluebonnet seeds in Heath Crossing.

PATH Pilot Project: Citizens SOW HEATH!



Contact: Suzanne Brooke
Director of Communications at sbrooke@heathtx.com.

The City of Heath and Park Board thank everyone who came out on September 5 to help sow 30 pounds of Texas native, drought resistant Bluebonnet seeds.

SOW Heath is a new initiative of the Parks And Trails of Heath (PATH) program directed by the Park Board to plant native wildflowers like the Bluebonnet throughout the community.

The planting on city-owned land at Heath Crosslands and FM 549 and in The Reserve last week was a pilot project that should result in blooms next spring, Year 1, followed by expanded growth in Years 2 and 3.

The Bluebonnets are perennial and do not require watering.

If the pilot project is successful, future sites for plantings could include\ City trails. Residents are also encouraged to plant native wildflowers at their home. Seeds can be ordered from many places including: https://www.wildseedfarms.com

A special thank you goes to volunteer wildflower expert, Jerry Shipe, for leading the pilot project, and Jeff Cox, for preparing the soil for planting at each site.



Find out more information about the Parks and Trails of Heath (PATH) program visit the PATH page.