NOTICE of CANCELLATION of PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Change at Intersection of and east of FM 549 and north of FM 550

Note: This entry was originally posted on November 13, 2014: 12:02 pm and may be out of date.

The applicant has withdrawn the zoning change request. 

The Commission and the Council will not conduct public hearings or take action on the application of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. for a zoning change from Local Retail (LR) [6+ ac.] and Agricultural (A) [116+ ac.] to Planned Development (PD) zoning district for combined local retail and single-family residential uses consisting of 25 acres of LR adjacent to FM 740, FM 550 and FM 549 and 260 lots on 94 acres, more specifically 195 residential lots (60’x120’) on 58 acres and 65 residential lots (70’x130’) on 36 acres of land in the A. Rodriguez Survey A-231 (RCAD Tracts 47, 47-01, 49, 49-01, and 62, parcel IDs 13000, 13001, 13017, 12997 and 12998) situated at the intersection of and east of FM 549 and north of FM 550 (owner Robert McCutcheon, Sr.).

(Updated 11/21/2014)