NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Variance 7 Falcons Pass

Note: This entry was originally posted on June 13, 2014: 4:36 pm and may be out of date.

Notice is hereby given that the Heath Board of Adjustment will hold public hearings beginning at 7:00 PM on Monday, July 14, 2014 at City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. Citizens are invited to attend and participate in these public hearings. Specific notice will be given to property owners within 200’ of the subject properties. The Board will hear and take action on the application of Whittle Development, Inc. for a 10” variance to §159.23 (E)(7) that provides for a minimum depth of rear setback of 25’ in an SF-15 Single-Family Residential zoning district on Lot 6, Block 21 Buffalo Creek Country Club Estates #10, (7 Falcons View Pass)

7 Falcons View lot layout