NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Amending Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and Building Codes in compliance with HB2439 and HB 3167

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 22, 2019: 12:18 pm and may be out of date.

Notice of Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of the City of Heath, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing starting at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Drive. Further notice is given that the City Council will hold a second public hearing starting at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 13, 2019, at Heath City Hall. The Commission and City Council will consider the following matters: ZTA-2019-03 – Conduct a Public Hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivisions Regulations, and Building Codes to cause said ordinances to be in compliance with House Bill 2439 and House Bill 3167, which bills take effect on September 1, 2019. Citizens are invited to attend and participate in these public hearings, and the City Council may continue a public hearing from one meeting to another. Information regarding these hearings may be obtained by calling 972-961-3066.