Note: This entry was originally posted on May 19, 2023: 12:41 pm and may be out of date.

UPDATE: 07/14/23

  1. Main lane of Hubbard Drive concrete has been poured.
  2. Expansion joints will be cleaned and sealed on Saturday July 14, 2023.
  3. Guardrail is scheduled to be delivered on Friday July 14, 2023 and installation will begin. Nighttime installation has been approved due to the daytime heat.
  4. Back filling of curbs is complete.
  5. Transitions from existing asphalt street to concrete street will be completed Monday July 17, 2023.
  6. Striping of pavement and signage will be completed next week.
  7. Scheduled opening is July 22, 2023.


HubbardBridge Closure Detour Map


  1. As of July 6, 1,008 square yards of concrete have been poured on Hubbard Drive.
  2. Another and final pour of concrete is scheduled for Saturday, July  7 at 5:00 am.
  3. Compressive breaks continue to test at or above required concrete strength.
  4. Scheduling for the installation of post and guardrail across the causeway continues.


  1. 605 square yards of concrete has been poured since 6/20/2023.
  2. Additional 150 square yards of concrete is scheduled to be poured Friday morning 6/30/2023.
  3. Compressive breaks on testing cylinders have met or exceeded requirements.
  4. Concrete street will be continued to be poured as scheduled.
  5. Scheduling for installation of post and guardrail across the causeway is underway.


  • Approximately 200 yards of concrete {600 feet} was poured Tuesday morning 6/20/2023. This extends one lane of pavement from the south side of the causeway going north towards Rush Creek Drive.
  • On Friday 6/23/2023 an additional 250 yards of concrete {800} feet will be poured starting at 5:00 am. Continuing towards Rush Creek Drive.

The schedule of continued pours:

  • June 27, 2023 at 5:00 am- unknown length and quantity currently unavailable.
  • June 30, 2023 at 5:00 am- unknown length and quantity currently unavailable.
  • July 5, 2023 at 5:00 am- unknown length and quantity currently unavailable.
  • July 8, 2023 at 5:00 am- unknown length and quantity currently unavailable.


  • Form boards and rebar are being installed from the causeway. The first concrete pour is scheduled for 4:00 am Monday morning. The street is being set up and poured in sections and will continue to Rush Creek drive.
  • Lime installation has been completed from the causeway to Scenic Place.
  • Early morning concrete pours are being allowed due to the excessive heat.


  • The storm sewer line installation from the causeway south is complete.
  • Form boards and rebar are being installed from 802 Hubbard north to Rush Creek.
  • Concrete will be installed beginning 6/12/2023 from 802 Hubbard to Rush Creek.
  • Lime will be installed beginning 6/12/2023 from 802 Hubbard to north Scenic.
  • Concrete will be installed beginning 6/20/2023 from 802 Hubbard to north Scenic.


  • Grading of the site from the causeway to Rush Creek should be finished today (5/25).
  • The liming should begin June 2 and take approximately 2 weeks to complete.
  • The rebar installation and final set up will begin after curing of the lime. Concrete will be poured 1 lane{side}at a time.
  • Detour plans and a traffic control plan are being finalized for publication.


  • Removal of the existing concrete street has been completed from Rush Creek to the causeway.
  • Construction staking has been completed in this area.
  • Final filling and grading of the subgrade began this week from Rush Creek to the causeway.
  • Approved, revised plans of the pavement changes and traffic control plan will be available for next week’s update.


  • Issues with the public entering the work zone continue. The contractor has been instructed to keep the gates secured when workers are not present.
  • The rainy weather has hampered work. Site grading and staking of the roadway will be done as weather permits.


  • An updated timeline estimates the completion of the pavement and opening for traffic from Scenic (north) to Rush Creek to occur by June 30.  Note: of the 105 working days since construction began, 31 days have been impacted by adverse weather conditions.
  • Removal of the existing concrete is ongoing on the causeway.
  • Revised plans with the narrowed pavement to 27’ to preserve as much tree line as possible are due to the City Engineer for review and comment this week.  This review will be expedited.
  • Surveyors are staking grades for the subgrade so that excavation can begin as soon as the existing concrete is removed.


  • The hydrostatic test on the 18” water line water passed. Testing was on section from Scenic to Rush Creek.
  • City Council approved at the April 25 meeting to transition the width of the roadway along Hubbard Drive from Rush Creek to Scenic south from 31’ to 27’ wide. This will minimize further removal of trees along Hubbard Drive in this section.
  • The contractor continues to remove existing pavement from Rush Creek to the causeway. Weather has slowed this process down.


  • Approximately 2,000 ft. of 18” water line has been installed along the causeway almost to Scenic.
  • Hydrostatic testing and Bac-T testing will be scheduled as soon as the new line is connected to existing water so that it can be filled later this week.
  • The sheet pile coffer dam has been removed, and the water in Rush Creek has equalized with the lake.
  • Existing concrete street from the box culverts to Rush Creek is scheduled to be removed next week.


  • Removal of sheet pilings on the lake side has started.
  • Testing of the 18” water line will begin next week.
  • Backfill of area where old culvert collapsed has been completed.


  • The new 18” water line in Phase 1 is almost complete. Hydrostatic bacteriological testing will begin next week.
  • The roadway contractor will mobilize and start removing the existing street from Scenic to Scenic in two weeks. Expect traffic detours during this time.
  • The collapsed culvert has been removed from the causeway. The rip rap is being installed along the shoreline. Sheet pilings will be removed next week.


  • The installation of the 18” water line has begun from the Causeway towards Scenic.
  • The installation of the storm sewer line will begin next week from Scenic to the outfall at the lake.
  • The backfill of the new box culverts has been completed.
  • AT&T has almost completed switching customers to the new aerial phone lines.


  • AT&T is still in the process of relocating telephone lines. The weather has hampered this process.
  • Water line materials were delivered this week. Additional deliveries are expected next week.
  • Wingwall construction was completed this week. Backfilling the project will begin after the concrete cures for seven days.


Construction progress for Hubbard causeway this week:

  • The creekside wingwalls concrete was poured.
  • The lakeside wingwalls are scheduled to be poured next week.
  • Tree removal along Hubbard to Scenic has begun.
  • AT&T was scheduled to have completed relocating cables this week, but weather impacted the work. This cable relocations and service tie-ins should be completed next week, weather permitting.
  • The 18-inch water line materials are scheduled to be delivered next week.

A revised schedule of completion has been submitted by the project engineer. The revised schedule extends completion past the original date, but provided for the best and safest way for construction to proceed:

  • Construction of culverts completed by 3/31
  • Water line and storm line installation completed by 4/21
  • Removal of the existing pavement and final grading completed by 4/28
  • Lime stabilization and concrete paving to begin on 5/21
  • Finalized paving and opening of Hubbard Drive from Scenic Place to Rush Creek on 6/23


  • The box culvert walls were poured last week.
  • The box deck was poured Wednesday, March 1.
  • Cylinder testing on the box bottom and walls exceed specifications.
  • The water line material is scheduled for delivery in two weeks.


New concrete culvert on Hubbard Road

  • The concrete bottom of the box culverts has been poured.
  • The walls of box culverts are being formed and steel reinforcement installed.
  • The culvert box walls will be poured as soon as test results are received from the lab.


  • Excavation for the new box culverts is complete.
  • Installation of culvert box forms is scheduled to start Monday.
  • Plans to pour concrete for the bottom of the culvert boxes within 2-3 weeks, which is the first stage of building the culvert boxes.


  • Crews were able to work at the beginning of this week, but have been delayed due to weather.
  • Excavation continues with the box culverts as weather permits.
  • New schedule is being compiled and possibly received by 2/10/2023.


  • The project has been delayed due to the winter weather this week.
  • It is anticipated excavation will resume Monday, February 6, weather permitting.
  • The City will receive a new project schedule reflecting the weather delays Wednesday, February 8.
  • Work during the week of January 30 included the excavation of the hole for the box culvert.


  • The coffer dam has been completed on both sides of the causeway.
  • Saw cutting and removal of concrete covering the collapsed culvert has begun.
  • Excavation for the new box culverts will begin next week.


  • The seawall and initial de-watering process are complete.
  • Crews are cleaning the causeway so that concrete street sawing and removal can begin.
  • An updated schedule for the construction of the area from Scenic to Scenic is being developed.
  • People continue to enter the work zone site on almost a daily basis. The City has video of some including a cyclist and will deal with offenders as necessary to discourage this dangerous activity.


  • Sheet piling installation has been completed on the lake side of the causeway. The dewatering process is underway.
  • A meeting has been set with AT&T onsite, Tuesday, January 17 to discuss conflicts of construction and the schedule.
  • The contractor anticipates removing f collapsed culvert and concrete in that area next week.
  • Trespassers continue to enter the work zone. Video was taken yesterday, January 12, of a bicycle rider attempting to go around the south gate. He spotted Mike Shook videoing him, and left back though the work zone.


Contractors have installed sheet piling on the creek side of Hubbard. Water has been pumped down, and contractors are installing support bracing on the pilings.

AT&T notified the City concerning a phone line that was been cut during installation of sheet piling. Seven customers were affected. AT&T did not identify the specific customers or addresses but is currently working on a “work around” for the customers affected. It may take a few days to reinstall service.


Hubbard Bridge Construction

Sheet piling was delivered and unloaded; two barges are onsite; and the work ramp was built for equipment.

NOTE: There will not be an update next week due to the holidays. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


A preconstruction conference was held on Tuesday, December 13. The sequence of construction was reviewed with all of the subcontractors involved in the project.

Materials for the cofferdam will be delivered this week and work will begin on Monday December 19. Work on the cofferdam will take 4 weeks, including time off for the week of Christmas.

The City is working with franchise utilities to verify the remainder of the ROW from Michael and Lee. The south end of the project in front of Antigua Bay is clear. The construction in those areas will proceed after January 1, 2023.


  • The City is awaiting the paving schedule from the design engineer. The project has been rebid and a new contractor chosen. A complete schedule for construction is expected by Friday, December 9.
  • Delivery of the sheet pilings is scheduled for December 14.
  • Water line valves were installed December 8.
  • A pre-construction conference has been rescheduled for Tuesday December 13 at City Hall.
  • Project costs for the City portion of the project, including paving along Antigua Bay, should be received on December 9. The portion of Hubbard from Scenic to Scenic will be scheduled to occur during the concrete curing process on the causeway.


  • Utility contractor has submitted his construction schedule for the utilities. A complete schedule for construction was promised by Friday, December 2, 2022.
  • Delivery is still scheduled for December 14, 2022 for the sheet pilings.
  • City staff and Contractor met onsite concerning existing water system. A water system interruption is tentatively scheduled for December 8, 2022 for two valve installations. This will allow water system work in the future without further interruptions. Affected homeowners will be notified with a door hanger on Monday December 5, 2022. Should be less than 25 residences affected.
  • Our next weekly meeting is scheduled to be part of the preconstruction meeting on December 6, 2022 at Heath City Hall.


  • City has instructed project Engineer the project construction contractor is required to furnish construction signage. City emergency message boards will be removed December 2, 2022.
  • City staff is scheduling a day next week to locate existing water line valves and ensure they are properly operable before other construction begins.
  • Project pre-construction meeting is being scheduled for next Thursday or Friday with City staff and Contractors.


  • Teague, Nall and Perkins (TNP) stated the contractor Double R has installed the construction fencing to secure the project site. 6’ chain link fencing with “No Trespassing sign and Danger signs” were added to the fence.
  • The City of Dallas has officially approved the Certificate of Insurance and given the written approval to move forward with the project.
  • Contractor is creating a construction yard south of the causeway on the Developers property.
  • Delivery date for sheet pilings is December 14, 2022, but the contractor is pushing to for an expedited delivery. The sheet pilings are a major component of the project progressing forward. While awaiting the sheet piling, other work on the site can and will be done.
  • The City has made another request to TNP  for an official (and shareable) project timeline. We have been informed that we will have it by the end of the week (November 18, 2022). The timeline will be uploaded on the City’s website with the other bridge construction updates.
  • The bridge remains closed to any and all pedestrian traffic including (walking, bikes, golf carts, and any other recreational or vehicular movement).


The contractor has confirmed that the firm is mobilizing to begin work in two weeks.

Safety Concerns:
Drivers continue to move the barricades and cross the damaged bridge. This is very dangerous, and the Heath Department of Public Safety has increased patrol of the site and will enforce the detour with citations/fines to the full extent allowed. Thank you for your patience and cooperation to use the detour route during the repair project. All parties involved are working as quickly as possible.


  • The City received an email from the City of Dallas confirming receipt our application to reconstruct the Hubbard Road Causeway. Dallas is waiting to hear from the Corps of Engineers regarding our Nationwide Permit status before acting on our application.
  • We believe it may be two to three weeks before we hear on our permits.
  • Oncor stated that they do not need to relocate their existing electrical poles except for one that is located on the lake side of the road. This pole should be removed in approximately two weeks. The electrical lines that the City asked to be removed are a one-way feed to Antigua Bay and will have to remain in service the entire length of construction.
  • AT&T lines are underground and in the way for the new culverts and headwall. AT&T is working with Oncor for permission to use Oncor poles and string new phone lines in order to remove the existing lines. Oncor has tentatively approved this request.
  • Suddenlink and Atmos confirmed that they are not in the way on the causeway section.


TxDOT has completed the traffic signal studies for the following two intersections as requested by the City on April 28, 2022:

1. FM 740 at Governors Blvd.
2. FM 740 at Trophy Dr.

Based on their studies and field investigation, TXDOT agrees with the City’s request to install traffic signals at both intersections and provided the City with Traffic Signal Authorization forms which are being executed. These authorizations will allow TxDOT to proceed with the design and construction of traffic signals at these locations.

At the completion of signal constructions, TxDOT will maintain these traffic signals.

At this time, TxDOT is not sure of a schedule for design and installation, but City management is requesting that this be a priority for the county given the bridge closure (and rerouted traffic) and continued high traffic volumes on FM740.


  • The application was sent to the City of Dallas for review on 9/9/2022.
  • The general permit letter was sent to the Army Corp. on  9/12/2022.
  • City Staff, the design Engineer, OnCor and the developer’s contractors met 9/16/2022 onsite to discuss the construction methods and existing utility locations. AT&T was unable to meet onsite, but the City is communicating with them.
  • The culvert and headwall have been staked by the surveyor for better reference for the utility companies.


The City has reviewed and commented on a new submittal for the Hubbard repair plans and has worked with the consultant on options to dewater the excavation for the new box culverts;

The City needs to verify the location and impact to construction of the existing water line along Hubbard and has met with all franchise utilities and explained the urgency of the repair for the bridge section – all franchise utilities have been onsite;

Oncor appears to be the key since AT&T and AlticeUSA will be hung on the power poles and ATMOS is clear of the bridge area. The City is scheduling a meeting with the resident that wanted to meet to discuss location of the box culverts;

The City remained on schedule to submit the permit request to the City of Dallas the week of September 5. The current anticipated schedule is to start work in October and complete on or before March 2023.


The City of Heath held a Town Hall Meeting regarding the Hubbard Bridge closure on Thursday, September 1 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. You can view the presentation and listen to the audio here.

The bridge was closed for public safety reasons due to erosion and damage caused during the heavy rain incident on August 22. The detour route is shown below.

Topics discussed at the Town Hall meeting included:

Why was the bridge closed?
The erosion combined with the sudden rush of flood waters on August 22 essentially took out the bridge’s structure, creating an unstable, unsafe crossing for vehicles. The bridge was closed on August 22 for the safety of the public.

How long the bridge is expected to remain closed?
The permanent repair of the bridge is estimated to be completed in March 2023. Every effort will be made by the City, the contractor and the participating developer (Heath Golf & Yacht Club) to complete the project on time and minimize the hardship endured by residents traveling in and out of Antigua Bay via the detour route.

Monthly updates will be provided to Antigua Bay’s HOA president to distribute to residents.

What Communication Occurred with Rockwall ISD Regarding the Closure and Bus Service?
The Rockwall ISD Superintendent, Transportation and Student Services office were notified by the City of Heath immediately upon the bridge’s closure and provided a detour route. The City has no authority over the employees and the response taken by the Rockwall ISD, but has remained in contact to convey the importance of restoring reliable and safe bus transportation for Antigua Bay students.  At this time, bus service using the detour route is occurring for Antigua Bay.

What Communication Occurred with the Unites States Post Office Regarding the Closure and Mail Delivery?
The Rockwall Post Office was notified by the City of Heath immediately upon the bridge’s closure and provided a detour route. The City has no authority over the response taken by the USPS and its employees, but has remained in contact with Rockwall USPS officials to convey the urgency in restoring and maintaining reliable mail delivery. At this time, daily mail service has returned to Antigua Bay.

What is the Impact of the Closure on Emergency Response Times?
Heath DPS Chief Seery reported that response times will continue to remain within the national goal of 5 to 9 minutes or less. He maintains patrol presence in both the north and south segments of the city to enhance response times. All other emergency entities within Rockwall County are aware of the bridge closure and detour route.

What Can You Expect Now until the Bridge is Re-opened?
The City will provide monthly updates to Antigua Bay HOA President and also provide regular updates on a page dedicated to the project on the City’s website at