How Will Recent State Legislation Effect Cities and Homeowners?

Legislative Update
Note: This entry was originally posted on August 9, 2019: 12:27 pm and may be out of date.

New laws from the 86th Texas Legislative Session taking effect on September 1 may have a dramatic impact on cities, HOA’s and homeowners. Specific changes involve:

  • The ability of a city or HOA to regulate building materials;
  • The development process and a new “30-day” shot clock; and
  • Annexation regulations

Item 11 on the agenda for the August 13 City Council meeting includes an overview from the City attorney on the new laws; discussion by the council on necessary ordinance changes to comply; options for HOA’s; and a public hearing for Heath citizens to express their opinions.

Please ensure that representatives from your neighborhood and/or HOA are present. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in the Community Room at City Hall.

Download TML’s Legislative Update (152kb pdf)