Heath Utility Customers to Receive Upsized Rolling Recycling Bins

Note: This entry was originally posted on February 21, 2017: 3:49 pm and may be out of date.

If you are a Heath utility customer, get ready to say Good-bye to your old 64-gallon recycling polycart…and Hello to a new 95-gallon rolling recycling polycart!

That’s an additional 31 gallons of waste you can prevent from going to the landfill every week by filling your new upsized recycling polycart to the brim!

Beginning March 6 and March 7, Progressive Waste’s delivery crew will follow the Monday/Tuesday recycling and waste pick-up route to pick up the old blue recycling cart and replace with the new 95-gallon recycling cart.

It is expected that it will take 4 to 5 weeks of following the normal waste and recycling collection schedule to make the polycart trade for all utility customers in Heath. So be sure to get your old blue recycling polycart out on time every week so that you can get your new polycart!

If you have questions, please contact Brandie Smallwood, 972-961-4884, bsmallwood@heathtx.com.