Heath Salon and Spa

Heath Salon And Spa
Note: This entry was originally posted on November 2, 2013: 4:04 pm and may be out of date.

Heath Salon & Spa was recently voted Best Salon in Rockwall & Rowlett by Lakeside Living magazine readers. That’s because not only do they do good work, but the team led by owner Juana French does good things.

Heath Salon & Spa was recently featured on Fox 4 News for offering real hair wigs at no cost to people battling cancer. The salon also generously supports local charitable organizations. When the Boys & Girls Club of Rockwall hosted its first annual Iron Chef Challenge, Heath Salon & Spa gathered a team of enthusiastic cooks for the challenge and won the “Golden Ladle” award.

For more information about the salon located at 201 Hubbard Dr., visit www.heathsalonandspa.com.