Heath DPS Wellness Checks

Note: This entry was originally posted on February 18, 2021: 4:00 pm and may be out of date.

Heath DPS is now activating door-to-door wellness checks in the Candlelight neighborhood, where a large number of homes still do not have power.

If there is someone you know in other areas of Heath who need a DPS wellness check, please call 972-771-7724 with their information.

Rolling black outs have been discontinued, so if you or anyone you know is still without power, there is a significant issue to resolve. Temperatures will remain extremely low tonight, so please leave your home and seek warmth. Please do this as early as possible today before road conditions worsen. If you need help leaving your home, call 972-771-7724 and our DPS officers will assist with either an escort or ride.

City Hall will continue to serve as a warming shelter. Guests will be screened for COVID-19. Please bring anything for your comfort such as blankets, snacks and bottled water, camp chairs, phone and charger.

Please read and share this message with anyone who may need help and is not on social media or online.