Heath City Council to Appoint Citizens to the Architectural Review Board (ARB)

Note: This entry was originally posted on December 28, 2018: 5:31 pm and may be out of date.

If you are interested in serving the City of Heath, the new Architectural Review Board (ARB) may be the place for you!

The purpose of the ARB is to assure high standards for the aesthetic quality of development and/or redevelopment in commercial and multi-family housing areas of the City.

The board will consist of seven members who are citizens of the City and not currently serving on the City Council, the Board of Adjustment or the Planning & Zoning Commission. Each member of the ARB will be appointed by a simple majority vote of the City Council and will serve for terms of two years, or until reappointed or replaced by action of the City Council. The City Council will also appoint a chairperson of the ARB to serve concurrently with the term of the Mayor.

Ideally, four members of the Board should be professional architects, landscape architects, engineers, or the equivalent in training for executing the purposes of the Board.

Appointments will be made at the February 12 City Council meeting, and applications should be submitted by February 4. Download the Volunteer Application Form or contact the City Secretary Norma Duncan at nduncan@heathtx.com or 972-961-4876.