Heath City Council Approves 2016-2017 Fiscal Budget with Reduction in Tax Rate

Note: This entry was originally posted on September 28, 2016: 4:29 pm and may be out of date.

At their regular meeting last night, the Heath City Council adopted a balanced budget that reduces the tax rate for Heath citizens while funding the addition of a new Public Safety Officer, a Streets and Parks Maintenance staff member and a Parks Action Plan for improving and expanding the City’s parks system.

The budget was prepared with a tax rate of 41.7311 cents per $100 of property value. This is a reduction of 0.9289 cents per $100 from the current rate of 42.66 cents.

“I want to thank my fellow City Council members and staff for their hard work on the budget, as well as the many citizens who gave us valuable input,” said Mayor Brian Berry. “I’m very excited that we were able to lower the tax rate, and at the same time address critical needs such as funding new positions in the Public Safety and Public Works Departments, creating an action plan for improving our parks, and providing equipment needs for the Utilities Department.”

Highlights of the 2016-2017 budget include:

  1. General Operating Budget of $6,289,500
  2. Total assessed value of $1,407,784,869
  3. New Public Safety Officer
  4. New Streets and Parks Maintenance position
  5. Parks Action Plan for improving and expanding City park system
  6. Equipment for Utilities Department

“Wise stewardship of our budget combined with an investment in current and future Capital Improvements Plans is critical as we continue to oversee quality development as we manage essentially the doubling of rooftops in Heath in the coming years,” added Mayor Berry.

The City’s fiscal year for 2017 begins on October 1.