Note: This entry was originally posted on April 28, 2020: 4:36 pm and may be out of date.

Yesterday Governor Abbott announced the State’s ongoing plan to safely open Texas while minimizing the spread of COVID-19. His announcement was accompanied by a detailed report, Texans Helping Texans: The Governor’s Report to Open Texas, that provides protocols and a series of Open Texas Checklists that outline minimum standard health protocols for all Texans.
Businesses that are permitted to open May 1, are not required to do so.

Download The Open Texas Report (2.5mb pdf)

The governor also urged all Texans to continue social distancing as the only path to progressing to Phase Two of the plan. The state recommends, but does not require, wearing masks/face coverings. Governor Abbott also stated that while the businesses listed may open as outlined, they are not required to do so.

Under the Governor’s Executive Order, which supersedes any county or local orders, all retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and malls are permitted to reopen on Friday, May 1. These services must limit their capacity to 25% of their listed occupancy. Within shopping malls, the food-court dining areas, play areas, and interactive displays and settings must remain closed.

All museums and libraries may open under the same 25% occupancy limitation, but interactive areas of museums must remain closed. Single-person offices may reopen as well. Salons, barbers and bars may not open yet. A hair dresser or barber that works alone is not considered a single person office.

Churches and places of worship remain open under guidelines included in the Open Texas Checklists. Outdoor sports are allowed to resume so long as no more than four participants are playing together at one time. Certain social distancing practices must also be followed.