Consider the application of Ben Lowry, applicant, for a zoning change from (A) Agricultural District to (SF-43) Single-Family Residential District for single-family residential use on 1.62 acres of land situated in the J.O. Heath Survey, Abstract No. 116, City of Heath, Rockwall County Texas, and being a part of Tract One and Tract Two as […] Duncan Duncan2016-08-26 14:53:432016-08-29 13:49:41Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment – East Side of Myers Road North of Crisp Lane
A tax rate of $0.417311 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of the City of Heath, Texas. This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. […]
Notice of Public Hearing: Notice is hereby given that the Heath Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at 6:30 PM on Monday, August 8, 2016 at City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. to hear and take action on the Application of Michael D. Mitcham, owner, for a variance to §159.22(E)(1) that specifies the “Minimum […] Duncan Duncan2016-07-22 12:45:092016-07-22 12:45:49NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Board of Adjustment Variance Application to Replat 4 Cypress Court
Notice of Public Hearings before the Heath Planning and Zoning Commission: Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings starting at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. The Commissioner will consider the application of Heidi Lauber for approval of a Replat of […] Duncan Duncan2016-06-15 10:22:082016-06-15 10:22:12Notice of Public Hearing -Replat of Lots 37A, 38 and 44 Block 1, Shepherd’s Glen
Notice of Public Hearings before the Heath Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council: Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings starting at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. Further notice is given that the City Council will hold public hearings […] Duncan Duncan2016-06-15 10:09:042016-06-15 10:09:15Notice of Public Hearing – Zoning Change North East Corner of FM 740 (Ridge Road) and Heath Crossing
Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment – East Side of Myers Road North of Crisp Lane
/in PUBLIC NOTICEConsider the application of Ben Lowry, applicant, for a zoning change from (A) Agricultural District to (SF-43) Single-Family Residential District for single-family residential use on 1.62 acres of land situated in the J.O. Heath Survey, Abstract No. 116, City of Heath, Rockwall County Texas, and being a part of Tract One and Tract Two as […]
/in PUBLIC NOTICEA tax rate of $0.417311 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of the City of Heath, Texas. This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Board of Adjustment Variance Application to Replat 4 Cypress Court
/in PUBLIC NOTICENotice of Public Hearing: Notice is hereby given that the Heath Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at 6:30 PM on Monday, August 8, 2016 at City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. to hear and take action on the Application of Michael D. Mitcham, owner, for a variance to §159.22(E)(1) that specifies the “Minimum […]
Notice of Public Hearing -Replat of Lots 37A, 38 and 44 Block 1, Shepherd’s Glen
/in PUBLIC NOTICENotice of Public Hearings before the Heath Planning and Zoning Commission: Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings starting at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. The Commissioner will consider the application of Heidi Lauber for approval of a Replat of […]
Notice of Public Hearing – Zoning Change North East Corner of FM 740 (Ridge Road) and Heath Crossing
/in PUBLIC NOTICENotice of Public Hearings before the Heath Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council: Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings starting at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at Heath City Hall, 200 Laurence Dr. Further notice is given that the City Council will hold public hearings […]