ZONING NOTIFICATION: Center Court, Buffalo Creek Tennis Village – Case BA-2021-02 Conduct a Public Hearing and act on a Variance request from WCG, LP to allow a proposed accessory structure (pergola to cover an existing deck) to encroach twenty-one feet (21′) into the required thirty-foot (30′) side yard building setback facing a street; as well […]
https://www.heathtx.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/GenThumb.jpg2041000City Hallhttps://www.heathtx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/CityofHeathTX_Logo18.pngCity Hall2021-02-10 18:52:342021-02-10 18:52:34ZONING NOTIFICATION: Center Court, Buffalo Creek Tennis Village – Case BA-2021-02
Conduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a dock deck adjoining a fixed pier on a parcel with less than seventy-five feet (75’) of the normal pool elevation shoreline (435.5 feet mean sea level). The applicant is requesting approval to construct a ten foot […]
Conduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a guesthouse that exceeds the maximum permitted building area of 900 square feet and does not meet the minimum building separation requirement on the same lot of fifteen feet (15’). The applicant is requesting approval to construct […]
https://www.heathtx.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/GenThumb.jpg2041000City Hallhttps://www.heathtx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/CityofHeathTX_Logo18.pngCity Hall2021-01-20 16:33:332021-01-20 16:33:33ZONING NOTIFICATION: 217 Cedar Tree Lane – Case No. CUP-2021-02
Conduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application to rezone 43.812 acres of land out of the A. Rodriquez Survey, Abstract No. 0231, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas (the Property), from Agriculture (A) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for single-family uses with a minimum lot size of one (1) acre […]
Conduct a Public Hearing and act on a Variance request from Wendell and Karla Smith to allow a detached garage to encroach three feet (3′) into the required fifteen-foot (15′) side yard building setback for property located at 904 St. Anne Court, being Lot 8, Block A of Providence Addition. The property is zoned Planned […]
ZONING NOTIFICATION: Center Court, Buffalo Creek Tennis Village – Case BA-2021-02
/in Zoning NotificationZONING NOTIFICATION: Center Court, Buffalo Creek Tennis Village – Case BA-2021-02 Conduct a Public Hearing and act on a Variance request from WCG, LP to allow a proposed accessory structure (pergola to cover an existing deck) to encroach twenty-one feet (21′) into the required thirty-foot (30′) side yard building setback facing a street; as well […]
ZONING NOTIFICATION: 150 Yankee Creek Road – Case No. CUP-2021-03
/in Zoning NotificationConduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a dock deck adjoining a fixed pier on a parcel with less than seventy-five feet (75’) of the normal pool elevation shoreline (435.5 feet mean sea level). The applicant is requesting approval to construct a ten foot […]
ZONING NOTIFICATION: 217 Cedar Tree Lane – Case No. CUP-2021-02
/in Zoning NotificationConduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a guesthouse that exceeds the maximum permitted building area of 900 square feet and does not meet the minimum building separation requirement on the same lot of fifteen feet (15’). The applicant is requesting approval to construct […]
ZONING NOTIFICATION: Stoneleigh Phase 6 – Case No. ZA-2021-01
/in Zoning NotificationConduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application to rezone 43.812 acres of land out of the A. Rodriquez Survey, Abstract No. 0231, City of Heath, Rockwall County, Texas (the Property), from Agriculture (A) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for single-family uses with a minimum lot size of one (1) acre […]
ZONING NOTIFICATION: St. Anne Court, Providence – BA-2021-06
/in Zoning NotificationConduct a Public Hearing and act on a Variance request from Wendell and Karla Smith to allow a detached garage to encroach three feet (3′) into the required fifteen-foot (15′) side yard building setback for property located at 904 St. Anne Court, being Lot 8, Block A of Providence Addition. The property is zoned Planned […]