FM 549 Paving Update 08/22/18
Note: This entry was originally posted on August 22, 2018: 4:08 pm and may be out of date.
Current schedule (as of August 22, 2018; weather dependent):
- FM-549- Thursday, August 30th and scheduled to take one day: Chip seal (surface before asphalt) FM-549, from the new Cain driveway on FM-549 to the bridge, then from the bridge to the FM-740 intersection. The roadway will be reduced to one lane during the chip seal work. Expect traffic delays during the paving;
- FM-549- Beginning Tuesday, September 4th and scheduled to take 4 days: Asphalt paving of FM-549, from the new Cain driveway to the bridge, then from the bridge to the FM-740 intersection. The roadway will be reduced to one lane during paving. Expect traffic delays;
- FM-549/Horizon Rd. intersection- Tuesday, September 4 and scheduled to take one day: Mill the surface within the intersection. Traffic will be stopped at the intersection for a short time as the machine mills through the intersection. Expect traffic delays;
- FM-549/Horizon Rd. intersection- September 5 and scheduled to take two weeks: Begin rebuilding Horizon Road at the intersection. Horizon Road traffic will be moved to the center two lanes (Horizon) and there will not be a dedicated left turn lane during the construction. The intersection will have 2-way traffic. Expect traffic delays.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Chuck Todd, P.E. at 972-961-4885, or