Crime Alert Issued by Heath DPS

Note: This entry was originally posted on August 18, 2016: 2:31 pm and may be out of date.

Several cars were burglarized in the Wyndemere and Crestridge Meadows neighborhoods last night. It appears that none of the cars were locked, and one car was stolen because the keys had been left in the unlocked vehicle. The suspect(s) were caught on security camera at a few homes, but no identification has been made so far.


Please remember to always lock your cars and the doors and windows at your home. Do not leave valuables in your car, and park in the garage when possible. Never leave your garage door open if you are not in the garage, or in your yard at the time. Criminals are always looking for the easiest targets.

Anytime you see or hear suspicious activity, or if you have information about the suspect below, call 9-1-1 or 972-771-7724.

Crime Suspect