John Main gets sworn in by Rockwall County Judge David Sweet.

Council Appoints John Main to Fill Vacancy until General Election

Note: This entry was originally posted on June 15, 2016: 3:20 pm and may be out of date.

The City of Heath newsletter of June 2016 and City blogs of June 8 and June 15 credited Justin Holland with winning the May 24 Republican Primary Runoff for House District 33 and erroneously stated that “he will serve the citizens of Rockwall County and portions of Collin County in the Texas Legislature”. This statement created the impression that Holland secured the seat for the Texas House of Representatives on May 24, which he did not. He will face Democratic opponent Karen Jacobs in the November 8 General Election. Jacobs is also a long-time resident of Heath and retired Program Director from Raytheon. City communications staff extends its sincere apology for this error.

The City of Heath congratulated Councilmember Justin Holland at a reception following his resignation from Place 2 on the Council at the June 14 meeting. On May 24, Holland secured the Republican nomination for Texas House of Representatives in House District #33, where he will serve the citizens of Rockwall County and portions of Collin County in the Texas Legislature, if elected in the General Election to be held November 8, 2016.

The City thanks Councilmember Holland for his five years of service on the City Council, where he was elected to lead as Mayor Pro Tem from 2013 to 2015. He also served on the Special Events Board from 2010 to 2011 before being elected to City Council in May 2011.

Council members appointed John Main to fill the Place 2 vacancy until the next General Election in May 2017. John Main served on the Planning and Zoning Commission from 1998 to 2012, before he termed out. He returned to the Commission in 2013 and was appointed Chairman. He is also currently on the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee and has served on the Board of Adjustment, where he is currently Ex Officio.