Construction Update: TxDOT FM-1140 (SMIRL Drive) OVERLAY PROJECT

Note: This entry was originally posted on January 23, 2019: 5:18 pm and may be out of date.

This TXDOT roadway improvement project includes the extension of storm sewer culverts, the addition of 2-foot shoulders, the removal of the existing asphalt pavement, and the installation of a new asphalt surface.

  • The project is from FM-740 (at CVS) to the FM-1140/FM-740/Hubbard Drive intersection.
  • Construction is scheduled to begin by the end of January.
  • The first phase of the construction is the extension of the storm sewer culverts.
  • Once the culverts are extended, construction of the new shoulders and removal of the existing asphalt will begin.
  • During the roadway construction, the road will be reduced to one lane. Flagmen and pilot cars will be used to move traffic through the construction zone. Please anticipate and plan for traffic delays throughout the project.
  • The anticipated completion date is early 2020.
  • This is a TXDOT roadway project. The TXDOT office phone number is 972-962-3617. The contractor is Ed Bell Construction, 214-358-6581.

If you have any questions, please contact TXDOT or Chuck Todd, P.E. at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4885 or by email at: