CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Shepherds Glen – May 11

Note: This entry was originally posted on May 5, 2020: 4:05 pm and may be out of date.

2019-2020 Annual Concrete Roadway Repair Project

The City concrete roadway repair project is the replacement of concrete pavement at various locations throughout the City and includes repair of some of the roads within the Shepherds Glen Subdivision, Antigua Bay Subdivision, Cove Ridge Subdivision, and Buffalo Creek Subdivision.


  • The project is scheduled to begin on Monday, May 11. Work will be performed one area at a time. Construction is allowed between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The project schedule is weather dependent.
  • The repairs will be constructed to minimize impact to the traffic flow. The street in the repair area will be reduced to one lane during construction.
  • Access to homes will be maintained during construction. Driveways within the pavement repair area may not be accessible when the pavement in front of the driveways are being re-constructed. The contractor will notify the homeowner in advance.
  • The contractor is Macias Specialty Contracting, 817-880-5730.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the referenced project, please contact the City inspector, Robbie King, at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4899 or at his email: