CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: McDonald Road Phase 2 Roadway Project

Note: This entry was originally posted on September 18, 2020: 4:30 pm and may be out of date.

PROJECT SCOPE: The McDonald Road Phase 2 Roadway Project is the re-construction of McDonald Road from an approximate 22-foot asphalt road to a 24-foot concrete roadway. The project is from the end of the concrete section of McDonald Road, southeast, to the southeast corner of the Falcon Point Subdivision. Work will be performed within existing City right-of-way. No additional right-of-way or easements are required for the project.

  • The project is funded with City of Heath Capital Improvement Project Bond Funds.
  • The project is scheduled to begin October 19. Construction is allowed between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturdays. The project scheduled construction time is 5 months. The construction schedule is weather dependent.
  • The project will be constructed to minimize impact to the traffic flow. Two way traffic will be maintained for most of the construction. McDonald Road will be reduced to one lane during the last two phases of the project construction (near the Falcon Point Subdivision) for approximately 5 weeks. Flagmen and electronic traffic signals will be utilized while the roadway is one lane.
  • Access to homes will be maintained during construction. Driveways along the roadway may be reduced in size when the driveway connection to the new roadway is being constructed. The contractor will notify the homeowner in advance.

If you have any questions regarding the referenced project, please contact the Director of Public Works, Chuck Todd, at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4885 or at his email: