CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Hubbard Drive Trail Project

Note: This entry was originally posted on September 18, 2020: 4:38 pm and may be out of date.

PROJECT SCOPE: The Hubbard Drive Trail Project is the construction of a 10-foot wide concrete hike and bike trail along the southeast side of Hubbard Drive, from the FM-740/Smirl Road intersection, to the existing trail adjacent to the McCrummen Estates subdivision. The project also includes drainage facilities from the shopping center, towards the existing storm sewer near FM-740. Trees within the City right-of-way will be removed due to the construction. Work will be performed within existing City right-of-way. No additional right-of-way or easements are required for the project.

  • The project is funded with Federal/TXDOT grant funds (80%) and City CIP funds (20%).
  • The project is scheduled to begin mid-October. Construction is allowed between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturdays. The project is estimated to take 4 months, weather dependent.
  • The project will be constructed to minimize impact to the traffic flow on Hubbard Drive. Hubbard Drive within the project area may be reduced to one lane during portions of the construction.
  • Access to homes and businesses will be maintained during construction. Driveways within the project area may not be accessible when the trail in front of the driveway is being constructed. The contractor will notify the homeowner in advance.