Construction Update: Hubbard Drive

Note: This entry was originally posted on May 26, 2021: 8:44 pm and may be out of date.

The center line stripe recently painted on Hubbard Drive is for safety purposes. The stripe will help delineate the current asphalt roadway at night. The City will continue to monitor the Hubbard Drive roadway. The reconstruction of Hubbard has been funded and is under design.

The new roadway will be a widened two-lane concrete road including curb and gutter. The reconstruction will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1: FM-740 to Michael Drive, including the section of Hubbard adjacent to the Antigua Bay Subdivision, and Phase 2: Michael Drive to Scenic Place. Phase 1 construction is scheduled to begin in February 2022, with completion expected in 2023. Phase 2 construction is scheduled to begin soon after the start of Phase 1 construction.