City of Heath to Test Sanitary Sewer Lines in January/February

Note: This entry was originally posted on January 9, 2019: 4:52 pm and may be out of date.



Update: The consultant performing the smoke testing of the City’s sewer system has delayed testing that was to begin February 6 due to the upcoming 10-day weather forecast. The consultant will provide a new schedule as soon as it is determined when the smoke testing can begin.

Original Post

Inspection crews will be conducting a physical survey of a portion of the City of Heath sanitary sewer system beginning in late January. This survey involves the opening and inspecting of manholes and sewer lines in the streets and easements.  An important task of the survey will be the smoke testing of the sewer lines to locate breaks and defects in the sewer system.

The smoke that you may see coming from the vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground is harmless, has little odor, and creates no fire hazard.  The smoke should not enter your home unless you have defective plumbing or dried up drain traps. If this occurs, you should consult your licensed plumber.

The red lines on the Smoke Test map indicate the locations to be tested. The survey will be performed in one area at a time. It is anticipated that the project will take 30 days once it begins. The consultant performing the work will distribute door hangers a week before the work is to start in an area.


02/01/19 – Shepherds Glen

02/01/19 – Antigua Bay