City of Heath Revises Solicitor’s Ordinance to include New Regulations

Note: This entry was originally posted on June 10, 2015: 4:38 pm and may be out of date.

In response to citizen concerns regarding solicitors in the community requesting donations or selling merchandise, the Heath City Council approved revisions to solicitation regulations at the May 26 meeting. The updated regulations require a permit for solicitation and/or commercial literature distribution on another’s property.

A permit is not required for organizations whose membership consists primarily of persons under 18 years of age such as school organizations, youth sports organizations, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and religious and charitable youth organizations. The delivery of newspapers and similar publications along an established customer delivery route is also exempt from permit requirements.

City of Heath Solicitor’s Ordinance Summary

Updated June 3, 2015

In response to citizen concerns regarding solicitors in the community requesting donations or selling merchandise, the Heath City Council approved revisions to solicitation regulations at the May 26 meeting. The updated regulations include the following provisions:

A permit is required for solicitation and/or commercial handbill distribution on another’s property.

A permit is not required for:

  • Organizations whose membership consists primarily of persons under eighteen (18) years of age, such as school organizations, youth sports organizations, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and religious and charitable youth organizations.
  • Deliveries of newspapers, newsletters, or other similar publications on an established customer delivery route, when attempting to establish a regular delivery route, or when publications are delivered to the community at large.

An application, for each solicitor, is to be completed at the Heath City Hall.

  • Satisfactory proof of the individual’s authority to represent the partnership, corporation association or business entity must be presented.
  • An application must be accompanied by a copy of a valid state sales tax certificate, if applicable.
  • Every application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable, non-transferable application fee as set forth in the Fee Resolution.
  • No felony convictions within the past 5 years will be allowed by permittee.
  • Every permittee shall be issued a card which shall be wallet size and contain the following information: Name of permittee, license number, date of expiration, signature of the City Secretary and City Seal. The card shall be carried on the person at all times and exhibited to any peace officer or resident upon request.
  • An applicant will be notified of the decision to approve or deny a permit application within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the application.

Each itinerant vendor, handbill distributor, peddler, or solicitor permitted is required to register with the City of Heath, shall wear an identification tag stating his or her name and the name of the organization he or she represents at all times while engaged in the soliciting or handbilling.

Hours of solicitation: 9:00am – 7:00pm

A permit may be granted to solicit in a roadway, median or public right-of-way during the following times and only at the following locations.

  • Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • FM-740 at Henry M Chandler Drive
  • FM-740 at Heathland Crossing Road
  • FM-740 at FM 549/FM 550
  • FM-740 at FM 1140 (Smirl Drive)
  • FM-740 at FM 3097 (Horizon Drive)

Violations shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Every day the violation continues shall be deemed as a separate offense.

A full copy of the ordinance can be downloaded or obtained from the City Secretary at 972-771-6228 or email City Hall.