City of Heath Reminds Citizens of Importance to Follow Stage 1 Water Conservation Restrictions

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 13, 2022: 12:36 pm and may be out of date.

With a prolonged outlook for severe heat and lack of rain this summer, the City of Heath reminds citizens to please conserve water by following the restrictions outlined for Stage 1 of the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency and Emergency Water Response Plan.

These restrictions have been in affect since the plan was adopted by ordinance in 2020, but it is more important than ever to conserve our water supply as water usage is soaring due to the extreme weather.

Stage 1 Watering Restrictions:

  • Limit landscape watering with sprinklers or irrigation systems at each service address to no more than two days per week until October 31
  • Limit landscape watering with sprinklers or irrigation systems at each service address to once every week, between November 1 and March 31.

Exceptions are as follows:

  • New landscaping associated with new construction may be watered as necessary for 30 days from the date of installation of new landscape features.
  • Additional watering of landscaping may be done with a hand-held hose that has a shutoff nozzle and/or by the use of dedicated irrigation drip zones as long as no runoff occurs.
  • The watering of foundations (within 2 feet); new landscape; new plantings (first year) of shrubs; and trees (within a 10-foot radius of its trunk) may also be done by a hand-held hose, a soaker hose, or a dedicated zone using a Drip Irrigation system as long as no runoff occurs.
  • Locations using alternative sources of water supply only for irrigation may irrigate without day of the week restrictions provided proper signage is employed. However, irrigation using alternative sources of supply is subject all other restrictions applicable to this stage. If the alternative supply source is a well, proper proof of well registration with the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District or Red River Ground Water Conservation District is required. Other sources of water supply may not include imported treated water.