ISO Rating

City of Heath Receives Improved Insurance Rating

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 25, 2014: 2:00 pm and may be out of date.

An improved water system with the addition of the new northern water tower and upgraded delivery infrastructure has contributed to an improvement in the City’s insurance ratings. As a result, residents and local businesses are advised to contact the insurance providers for a possible savings in their premiums.

“The City of Heath has been notified by the Texas Department of Insurance and the State Fire Marshal’s Office that the Insurance Services Office (ISO) has recommended a classification change in the City’s Public Protection Classification,” Chief Terry Garrett, director of Heath’s Public Safety Department advised the City Council during last night’s meeting.

The recommendation will change the rating from a class 5 to a class 2. The PPC system is the countrywide classification system used by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) to reflect a community’s local fire protection for property insurance rating purposes.

ISO classifies communities from 1 (the best) to 10 (the worst) based on how well they score on the ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule, which grades such features as water distribution and fire department equipment, manpower and fire alarm facilities.

“Our firefighting capabilities and access to reputable water sources for firefighting also contributed to an improved rating,” noted Chief Garrett.

The grading for the rating occurred in March of 2014 and should go into effect in October of 2014. The last grading for the City of Heath occurred in 1999 when the city received a rating of 5.

The rating improvement from a 5 to a 2 could have significant effect on insurance premiums. The amount of change could vary from company to company depending on whether or not the company uses the ISO/PPC system. Residents and business owners should check with their individual agents about any reduction in premiums.

For more information, visit the Texas Department of Insurance/State Fire Marshal’s Office at