City of Heath Honors Staff: BJ White Named Employee of the Year

Note: This entry was originally posted on December 21, 2017: 12:06 pm and may be out of date.

The City of Heath recently honored employees for their outstanding performance in 2017, including BJ White, who was named City Employee of the Year.

Departmental Employees of the Year were also recognized and include Yana McGowan, Administrative Services; Javier Falcon, Public Works; Scott Qualls, Community Development; and Officer Michael Morgan, Public Safety.

The employees chosen for the 2017 awards displayed excellence in numerous areas including on-the-job performance, customer service, cooperation, integrity, dependability, judgment, initiative and workplace knowledge as well as noteworthy achievements within the year.

“The closest government to the people that exists in the world is City government,” said Ed Thatcher, city manager. “That’s why I appreciate not only these award-winning staff members, but all of our staff who are always willing to do whatever is necessary to serve our citizens.”

BJ White, Employee of the Year

“The Public Works staff members are the unsung heroes in any City,” said Thatcher. “That makes it even more special to honor one of these heroes who has given more than 13 years of service to the city of Heath.”

White was hired by the City of Heath in 2004 on his birthday, March 9. “He’s been a gift to us ever since,” said Thatcher. “Always considerate and polite, BJ performs his work to maintain our City in every season from 100+ degrees to freezing temperatures. He is always ready and willing to do whatever is asked of him, which is appreciated by so many, including his colleagues and our citizens.”

Additionally, the following City staff members were honored for their tenure in Heath:

5 Years of Service

  • Jennifer Colombo
  • Norma Duncan

10 Years of Service

  • Larry Dunham
  • Francisco Gonzalez
  • Laurie Mays
  • Yana McGowan
  • Randy Patton

15 Years of Service

  • Officer Matt Mayo

(Above) The City of Heath recently honored employees for their outstanding performance in 2017, including from left, Citywide Employee of the Year, BJ White; Scott Qualls, Community Development Employee of the Year; Yana McGowan, Administrative Services Employee of the Year; Javier Falcon, Public Works Employee of the Year; and (Inset) Officer Michael Morgan DPS Employee of the Year.