City of Heath Honors Staff

Note: This entry was originally posted on December 30, 2015: 11:32 pm and may be out of date.

Photo: The City of Heath recently honored employees for their outstanding performance in 2015, including from left, Employee of the Year Jeff McKenzie: and Departmental Employees of the Year Brandon Seery, DPS; Tara Plexico, Administrative Services; and John Langstaff, Public Works.

Jeff McKenzie Named Employee of the Year

The City of Heath recently honored employees for their outstanding performance in 2015, including Jeff McKenzie, who was named Employee of the Year.

Departmental Employees of the Year were also recognized and include Tara Plexico, Administrative Services; John Langstaff, Public Works; and Officer Brandon Seery, Public Safety.

The employees chosen for the 2015 awards displayed excellence in numerous areas including on-the-job performance, customer service, cooperation, integrity, dependability, judgment, initiative and workplace knowledge as well as noteworthy achievements within the year.

“The closest government to the people that exists in the world is City government, as we are seeing as cities around us respond to the overwhelming needs in their communities following the tornadoes,” said Ed Thatcher, city manager. “That’s why I appreciate not only these award-winning staff members, but all of our staff members who are always willing to do whatever is necessary to care for our citizens.”

Jeff McKenzie – Employee of the Year
Jeff was hired as Construction Inspector for the City of Heath in 2014 and quickly proved to be an excellent addition to the Public Works team. He previously worked for the City of Commerce and the City of Greenville.

“Jeff grew up in the construction industry”, said David Herbert, Director of Public Works. “His grandfather and father owned and operated the McKenzie Asphalt Co., located in Greenville, which primarily constructed highways for TxDOT.

“As a teenager, Jeff could be found working on projects and driving tanker trucks to transport oil and petro materials for their company. After his schooling, Jeff managed construction crews all over the northeast Texas area,” adds Mr. Herbert.

Jeff’s knowledge in road construction is particularly valuable as the City of Heath continues an extensive road repair program and works with TxDOT representatives managing the FM 740 widening project. Jeff holds current TCEQ Water and Wastewater Licenses.