City of Heath Celebrates 2018 Independence Day with Parade & Patriotic Celebration in the Park

Note: This entry was originally posted on July 10, 2018: 1:15 pm and may be out of date.

It was a true patriotic Hometown Heath experience as the community celebrated July 4 with the Annual Independence Day Parade and Patriotic Program in the Park afterwards.

Thanks to wonderful weather and community spirit, the parade had the most entries (and viewers) to date! During the program, Mayor Kelson Elam presented the parade awards and honored attending veterans. Pastor Omar Rikabi of the First United Methodist Church of Heath led the invocation; Boy Scout Troop 989 posted the colors; and a live barbershop quartet sang the national anthem and other American favorites. And everyone cooled down with free popsicles, ice cold water and mini blueberry, cherry and buttermilk pies.

Watch the Highlights

Special Thanks To:

The City thanks the Special Events Board, sponsors, volunteers including CERT, NCL and The Rock Church, Heath DPS and City staff who make Heath community celebrations like the Independence Day Parade and Patriotic Program in the Park possible.

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