Note: This entry was originally posted on October 9, 2017: 3:38 pm and may be out of date.

A mosquito sample taken from a trap site on Moraine Way tested positive for the West Nile Virus. As a result, ground-based spraying for mosquitoes will occur in the area shown on the map below on Tuesday, October 10 after 9 p.m., and neighborhood signs will be posted. The City will continue to test for the West Nile Virus at locations throughout the City and conduct additional spraying as necessary. To date, no cases of West Nile Virus infection have been reported in the City.

Mosquito Spray Area Map


You do not need to do anything special or differently. If you want to take extra precautions, you can refer to these suggestions:

  • Remain indoors with children and pets and cover any ornamental fish ponds, beehives or organic gardens. Stay indoors at least an hour after spraying has concluded.
  • Close windows and doors, and turn off window-unit air conditioners or set to recirculate indoor air only.
  • Do not let children play near or behind truck-mounted applicators when spraying is taking place.
  • Drive cautiously around the spray vehicle and pass it with care.
  • Avoid eye or skin contact with the spray if you are outside, and wash any exposed skin with soap and water if you come in contact with the spray.

What should I do when the spraying is completed?

You don’t need to do anything special or out of the ordinary. If you want to take extra precautions, you can follow these suggestions:

  • Rinse any fruit and produce left outside during spraying before eating.
  • Because the spray droplets falling on the ground become inactive in just a few hours or with sunshine (UV light), it is not necessary to wash off outdoor furniture or playground equipment before use, but you can do that if you want.

What pesticide will be used?


How safe is it?

Pesticides that are used for mosquito control have been judged by the EPA not to pose an unreasonable risk to human health. Spraying is scheduled in the evening to limit exposure to people who may wish to avoid contact with the pesticide used to control mosquito populations. Spraying events begin at 9 p.m.

People who are concerned about exposure to a pesticide, such as those with chemical sensitivity or breathing conditions such as asthma, can reduce their potential for exposure by staying indoors during the application period. Anyone who thinks they have been affected should check with their primary healthcare provider.

Will the spray affect people with respiratory conditions?

People with conditions such as asthma and other respiratory conditions can consider staying indoors because spraying may worsen or aggravate these conditions.


Please remember that mosquito spraying does not eliminate mosquitoes completely. Residents should always take action against mosquito infestation:


  • Wear long, loose and light-colored clothing to avoid mosquito bites when outside.


  • Use insect repellent products with “DEET” or other EPA approved repellents and follow product instructions.


  • Get rid of ALL standing water.
  • Empty, remove, cover or turn upside down any containers that will hold standing water (bottles, cans, tires, buckets, flower pots etc.).
  • Change water in pet dishes, wading pools and birdbaths several times a week.
  • Cover trash containers so they will not collect water.

Dusk & Dawn

  • Stay indoors during dusk and dawn hours—when mosquitoes are most active.

For more information call the City at 972-771-6228.