CIP Project Update – Dennis Bailey/Rabbit Ridge Phase 1

Note: This entry was originally posted on June 10, 2016: 3:26 pm and may be out of date.

The City is reconstructing a portion of Dennis Bailey and Rabbit Ridge. The project includes the reconstruction of Dennis Bailey from FM-549 to Rabbit Ridge and the section of Rabbit Ridge adjacent to the Ridge Lakes Addition (location map above).
Start Date:
The project is scheduled to begin July 5, 2016 and is weather dependent.
Completion Time:
Approximately 9 months.

Contractor Guidelines and Information:

  • The City is reconstructing a portion of Dennis Bailey and Rabbit Ridge. The project includes the reconstruction of Dennis Bailey from FM-549 to Rabbit Ridge and the section of Rabbit Ridge adjacent to the Ridge Lakes Addition (location map above).
  • Dennis Bailey will be a 31-foot wide, 2 lane concrete residential street with curb and gutter.
  • Rabbit Ridge will be a 24-foot wide, 2 lane concrete roadway with curb and gutter on one side (½ of a future 48-foot, 4-lane un-divided roadway).
  • Driveways connecting to the existing roadway will be adjusted to connect to the new lowered roadway.
  • During construction, Dennis Bailey will have two-way traffic, but be closed to through traffic past Old Vineyard Lane. Rabbit Ridge will be reduced to one-way traffic, towards Dennis Bailey, during construction. Rabbit Ridge will be signed for “local traffic only”.

The contractor for the project is Ed Bell Construction.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Chuck Todd, P.E.  at 972-961-4885, or

The City inspector for the project is Jeff McKenzie at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4899 or at his email: