CIP Mapping Application

CIP Pavement Rehabilitation Notices

Note: This entry was originally posted on April 23, 2015: 4:37 pm and may be out of date.

The Capital Improvement Plan adopted in January 2014 provides more than $20 million in investments that benefit the entire city with improvements to the City’s roads, trails, parks, public utilities and other infrastructure.

Phase 1 of the Street Repairs Project will began in early February 2015 with 19 sites throughout the City scheduled for improvements. The contractor anticipates all work will be completed within a seven to nine-month period.

You can view all CIP projects, including street repairs on our interactive CIP Mapping application, or find current updates on road work within the CIP section of this website.


Construction is allowed between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The roadway will typically be constructed one-half at a time and will be reduced to one lane during construction. Access to homes will be maintained during construction. Driveways within the pavement repair area may not be accessible when the driveway approaches are being re-constructed. The contractor will notify the homeowner in advance.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the referenced project, please contact Jeff McKenzie at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4899 or email: