The City Council approved a purchase and installment agreement for Phase 1 of the upgraded Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program at its January 9th meeting…
The City Council approved a purchase and installment agreement for Phase 1 of the upgraded Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program at its January 9th meeting…
Stage 2 water restrictions have been lifted as the City moves to the Annual Water Conservation Schedule which allows customers to use irrigation systems to water twice per week on their assigned days.
Thanks to the efforts of the majority of our residents, the City was able to avoid Stage 3 water restrictions. With cooler weather and rain in the weather forecast, the City anticipates returning to Stage 1 within the next 10 days if reduced water demand remains consistent.
Daily water usage continues to trend high. Daily gallons used hit 6 million three times during the past seven days, which is above the official trigger of 5.7-million gallons to initiate Stage 3 water restrictions.
Daily water usage continues to trend high. Daily gallons used has hit 5.9 million twice in the past seven days, which is above the official trigger of 5.7-million gallons to initiating Stage 3 water restrictions.
Daily water usage is trending high. With no relief in the hot, dry weather ahead, plus morning school preparation routines resuming, the usage could easily trigger Stage 3 Restrictions. Please help conserve by following your irrigation schedule (and no irrigation at all on the weekend). Follow the daily use trends at heathtx.com/water-wise.
Water use by City of Heath customers has reached the trigger for reinstating Stage 2 Water Restrictions on Saturday, August 5.
The repair and installation of the damaged water pump is complete. Stage 2 water restrictions have been rescinded and replaced with Stage 1 restrictions.
The repaired and refurbished 300-HP pump and electrical motor was installed in the pump station on the morning of Friday, July 14. However, during the startup …
The contractor informed the City today that parts required to repair the City’s 300-HP pump that failed at Pump Station No. 1 on June 23 should be received by Monday, July 10, and Tuesday, July 11. If shipments are received on time, the repair and return to service of the 300-HP pump could occur by […]
Please read the following Water Emergency FAQ to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding the water emergency.
Yesterday, Wednesday, June 29, water demand exceeded 5.1 million gallons, which is .6 million over the daily capacity of 4.5 million. This is a dangerous level of usage, regardless of an equipment failure or not. If demand exceeds the City’s current ability to pump water, we could enter a critical situation of losing system pressure, […]