APRIL 2025
MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Spring is in the Air The Great Outdoors is a big part of what makes Heath special, and this month I want to share actions taken recently to nurture our semi-rural, lakeside atmosphere. DOWNLOAD THE CITY NEWSLETTER (pdf)
MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Spring is in the Air The Great Outdoors is a big part of what makes Heath special, and this month I want to share actions taken recently to nurture our semi-rural, lakeside atmosphere. DOWNLOAD THE CITY NEWSLETTER (pdf)
MAYOR’S MESSAGE: We’ve Only Just Begun Across many areas that impact our community, great strides are being made as a result of the energy and effort being invested by so many who love Heath. DOWNLOAD THE CITY NEWSLETTER (pdf)
Happy New Year from Mayor Jeremiah McClure We are moving full speed into 2025 with excitement about the opportunities and success the months ahead will bring: a renovated Towne Center Park; construction of new Department of Public Safety and Public Works facilities; and implementation of the Water Bridge plan with construction of the first wells, […]
HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JEREMIAH McCLURE Christmas is fast approaching, and my hope is that you and your family are enjoying this special season. While I love all the festivities, food and gift giving, I also treasure quiet time by the Christmas tree, listening to favorite carols and reflecting on the past year. DOWLOAD A […]
Thanksgiving Message from the Mayor As the year winds down, activities and festivities seem to speed up. My hope is that you are looking forward to a Thanksgiving celebration with friends and families, as well as quiet time to count your blessings. DOWLOAD A PDF COPY OF THE NEWSLETTER
City of Heath Launches Towne Center Park Renovation Heath City Council approved a final budget for the renovation of Towne Center Park at the September 24 meeting. The completed park will be irrigated by an onsite well and funded separately through the utilities budget. No current city water supply will be used. DOWNLOAD A PDF […]
City Council Meetings and Work Sessions Address Annual Budget, Water Plan and Capital Improvement Projects City Council and staff have participated in multiple work sessions and meetings this summer addressing the FY 2024-2025 Annual Budget, critical Capital Improvement needs, and a short- and long-term plan for the City’s water supply, infrastructure and funding… DOWNLOAD PDF […]
RUSH CREEK YACHT CLUB TO HOST 2024 INTERNATIONAL SUNFISH CLASS ASSOCIATION WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The City of Heath will be on the world stage when Rush Creek Yacht Club hosts the 2024 International Sunfish Class Association World Championship on Lake Ray Hubbard October 12-19. DOWNLOAD PDF NEWSLETTER
FY 2024-2025 Budget Process Underway Members of City Council and staff toured assets and projects before launching the FY 2024-2025 budget preparation process with a workshop on June 21. DOWNLOAD PDF NEWSLETTER
FIRE FLOW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN ACCELERATED A Fire Flow Capital Improvement Plan to solve deficient water lines and fire hydrants in numerous areas of the City has been accelerated from a 10-year timeline to a 5-year completion timeline without a tax impact to citizens. DOWNLOAD PDF NEWSLETTER
A new PATH initiative to SOW Heath with Texas native, drought tolerant wildflowers is underway! The first planting is scheduled for August 20 in three sites and will be done by volunteers and staff under the direction of 38-year Heath resident and wildflower expert, Jerry Shippe. Mr. Shippe has owned The Plant Place in Dallas […]
City Launches New Technology to Enhance Customer Service and Efficiency The City is tapping into new technology to improve efficiency and enhance customer service. DOWNLOAD PDF NEWSLETTER