PROJECT SCOPE: The TXDOT roadway improvement projects includes the addition of 2-foot shoulders on FM-1140 (Smirl) and FM-550 and the removal of the existing asphalt pavement and the installation of a new asphalt surface. The FM-1140 portion of the project is from FM-740 (CVS) to the FM-1140/Hubbard Drive/FM-740 intersection. The FM-550 portion of the project […]


Terry Lane, between Larry Drive and Meadowview Road, will be closed to through traffic for wastewater and storm water pipe installation across Terry, from Thursday morning, April 11 until Friday evening, April 12. It is recommended that you use Darr Road and Meadowview Road as an alternate route for access to Terry Road from Smirl […]

Smoke Testing of the Wastewater Collection System

Inspection crews will be conducting a physical survey of a portion of the City of Heath sanitary sewer system. This survey involves the opening and inspecting of manholes and sewer lines in the streets and easements. An important task of the survey will be the smoke testing of the sewer lines to locate breaks and […]

April is National Safe Digging Month…

Call 811 to Protect Underground Utilities! What You Need to Know about Natural Gas Pipelines Pipelines carry natural gas around the clock to more than 74 million homes and businesses in the United States. Because they are underground, you seldom notice these energy superhighways. In fact, pipelines are one of the safest forms of transportation. […]

The City of Heath is 12th Safest City in Texas

Heath Mayor Kelson Elam and Councilmembers honored the Heath Department of Public Safety at the March 26 City Council meeting for all the officers do for the community, including helping to make Heath the 12th Safest City in Texas in 2019. “We are grateful to Chief Terry Garrett and his officers for their dedication in […]

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Myers Road and Crisp Lane

PROJECT SCOPE: The City project includes reconstruction of Crisp Lane from Hubbard Drive to Myers Road and Myers Road from Crisp Lane to Terry Lane.  The new roadways will be 20-foot wide concrete streets. The roadways will not have curb and gutters.  The contractor has scheduled to construct another portion of the culvert at the […]

Make Your Gardening Monarch-Friendly this Spring!

The Texas State Insect is the iconic Monarch Butterfly, but the population has dropped dramatically from over 1 billion migrating through Texas 20 years ago, to only 60 million in 2014. The City of Heath has joined others throughout the state to encourage resident to help protect and preserve the Monarch. Things you can do […]

What You Need to Know about Backflow Device Testing

Texas municipalities, including the City of Heath, are responsible for the enforcement and regulation of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules addressing the testing of backflow prevention assemblies on private property. Backflow devices are typically attached to a landscape irrigation system, a fire sprinkler system installed in the home, a whole-house water treatment […]

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Myers Road and Crisp Lane Project

PROJECT SCOPE: The City project includes reconstruction of Crisp Lane from Hubbard Drive to Myers Road and Myers Road from Crisp Lane to Terry Lane. The new roadways will be 20-foot wide concrete streets. The roadways will not have curb and gutters. The Crisp Lane pavement has been installed. The contractor is grading the ditches […]

Heath City Council Appoints Citizens to the Architectural Review Board (ARB)

Congratulations to the Heath citizens who were appointed by Heath City Council to the new Architectural Review Board (ARB) at the February 12 meeting! The 7-member board includes: John Curtis, Chair; Julie Berg; John Main; Ann Parker; Greg Ramey; Thomas Smith; and Jason Thompson. Douglas Hartman and Suzanne Howland will serve as alternate members. The […]

Annual Water System Maintenance Planned for March 4 – April 1

The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) will conduct its annual system maintenance, which includes a temporary change in the water disinfectant, between March 4 and April 1.The annual routine change has occurred for over 10 years and is necessary to maintain the regional system and year-round water quality Disinfection is a critical part of […]

Heath Economic Development Update

Tom Thumb Weather has affected many construction projects in North Texas, but crews are working tirelessly to stay on track for opening the new Tom Thumb at Laurence Road/FM 740 and FM 549 by the third quarter of 2019.  The Malouff Group, the developers representing Tom Thumb, are also working hard to recruit ideal tenants […]