Entries by City Hall

What you need to know about natural gas pipelines

Pipelines carry natural gas around the clock to more than 74 million homes and businesses in the United States. Because they are underground, you seldom notice these energy superhighways. In fact, pipelines are one of the safest forms of transportation. They are involved in far fewer serious incidents than trucks, railroad, ships or airplanes. Even […]

City of Heath Partners with YMCA Youth Sports

The J.E.R Chilton YMCA at Rockwall and the City of Heath are excited to announce that they have partnered to bring YMCA’s youth sports programming to Towne Center Park fields. YMCA soccer sign-ups are underway and available through the Rockwall YMCA through Sunday, February 17th for the spring season, which runs March 23 through May […]

February 2019

Headline Story CITY OF HEATH TO HOLD GENERAL ELECTION MAY 4 The City of Heath is scheduled to call an election to be held on Saturday, May 4 for the purpose of electing Council Members for Places 1, 2, 4 and 6 to serve two-year terms each.

The City of Heath welcomes Marco’s Pizza

The new pizza restaurant is holding its Grand Opening on Saturday (01/26/19) with 50% off pizza ALL DAY! Now open at 110 Smirl Dr., Marco’s is the nation’s fastest-growing pizza chain and only pizza chain in the U.S. that was founded by a native Italian. The new store is owned and operated by LJ Topalovic, […]

Construction Update: TxDOT FM-1140 (SMIRL Drive) OVERLAY PROJECT

This TXDOT roadway improvement project includes the extension of storm sewer culverts, the addition of 2-foot shoulders, the removal of the existing asphalt pavement, and the installation of a new asphalt surface. The project is from FM-740 (at CVS) to the FM-1140/FM-740/Hubbard Drive intersection. Construction is scheduled to begin by the end of January. The […]

ZONING NOTIFICATION: 6834 S. FM 549 – Case No: SUP-2019-03

Conduct a Public Hearing and take action on an application request from Rockwall County Emergency Medical Services for a Special Exception, as authorized by Section 159.07 (c) of the Heath, Texas Code of Ordinances, for a waiver to the exterior masonary requirements for a proposed garage structure to house emergency vehicles on property zoned Single-Family […]