Entries by City Hall

2020-2021 Annual Concrete Roadway Repair Project

PROJECT SCOPE: The City concrete roadway repair project is the replacement of concrete pavement at various locations throughout the City, including repair of several sections of Heathland Crossing between FM-740 and White Road. The work on Phase 1 of the Heathland Crossing repair is complete. Phase 2, eastbound Heathland Crossing from the end of Phase […]

August 2021

Headline Story CITIZENS CAN PROVIDE INPUT ON FUTURE PROJECTS The City of Heath continues to work with the consulting firm of Kimley-Horn to develop a design for the Heath Towne Center, also known as the Towne Center Overlay District, and a design for Towne Center Park.

ZONING NOTIFICATION: 2296 Lafayette Landing – Case No. FV-2021-02

Conduct a Public Hearing and consider approval of a Resolution for a Variance to Section 157.02 (C) of the Code of Ordinances that limits fences in the front yard to a maximum height of four feet (4’). The applicant is requesting to construct a five foot (5’) ornamental metal picket fence in the front yard […]

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: 2021 Annual Concrete Roadway Repair

PROJECT SCOPE: The City concrete roadway repair project is the replacement of concrete pavement at various locations throughout the City, including repair of several sections of Heathland Crossing between FM-740 and White Road. The roadway reconstruction on Heathland Crossing will be in sections beginning with the eastbound lanes (Phases 1 and 2) and then moving […]