A Message from the Rockwall County Health Authority – 03/22/20

Note: This entry was originally posted on March 22, 2020: 3:06 pm and may be out of date.

We understand the frustrations of some in Rockwall County regarding COVID-19 testing and assure you we are doing our best to overcome these limitations. Well over 60 tests are out at labs pending for Rockwall County residents. Testing is continuing to increase throughout the region. However, turn around times can still take 8-10 days in some cases. Private labs are increasing capabilities, and some have a shorter turnaround time but still may take 2-3 days for a result. Texas Health Physicians Group has three stations set up to obtain specimens in DFW, but the patient must have seen a Texas Health Physicians Group provider and been appropriately screened first. These tests are conducted at these centers by appointment only. We have also seen the partnership with State and Federal agencies result in two COVID-19 testing sites in Dallas. The first site is at 2500 Victory Plaza, and the second location, at 9191 S Polk St. Because testing is still limited, there are specific criteria for testing that must be met. The hospitals are also restricting their testing to patients requiring advanced medical treatment. We must be judicious with our use of medical resources.

Many different sites are performing COVID-19 tests, but rest assured the notification remains the same. Every lab is required to notify the State of any positive result. The State informs the Rockwall Public Health Authority, who is continuously in contact with the Rockwall County Judge and Office of Emergency Management. The Public will be made aware of positive result numbers once confirmed by the Texas State Department of Health.

For mild illness, the message remains, stay and home and treat symptoms with fluids, rest, and Tylenol. Seek medical treatment if you develop shortness of breath or chest pain. Community spread is occurring in our county and social isolation is the key to prevent further spread. If you need assistance determining if you should go to the hospital or have any other questions, please call the Texas Health COVID-19 Hotline to speak to a nurse 24/7 at 682-236-7601.

Criteria for Dallas testing sites is as followed:

  • Must be 65+ years-old; or
  • Must be a first responder; or
  • Must be a healthcare worker; or
  • Must be a DART driver; AND
  • Must show a temperature of 99.6 or higher

Gary A. Bonacquisti MD, FACHE, Rockwall County Health Authority, State of Texas