Note: This entry was originally posted on April 3, 2019: 11:57 am and may be out of date.


The TXDOT roadway improvement projects includes the addition of 2-foot shoulders on FM-1140 (Smirl) and FM-550 and the removal of the existing asphalt pavement and the installation of a new asphalt surface. The FM-1140 portion of the project is from FM-740 (CVS) to the FM-1140/Hubbard Drive/FM-740 intersection. The FM-550 portion of the project is from SH-205 to the FM-549/FM-550/FM-740 intersection.

FM-1140 (Smirl)

Construction of the new shoulders and the removal of the existing asphalt on FM-1140, between FM-740 (CVS) and the Hubbard/FM-1140/FM-740 intersection, has begun. The roadway will be constructed ½ at a time.

The contractor has started the roadway work at the FM-740 (CVS) end of the project. The contractor will perform the work in sections. The first section of roadway work is Sandra to Carriage Hill. The roadway will be reduced to one lane for the work.

The contractor is also extending existing drainage culverts under the roadway, for the addition of the shoulders. The contractor will have Smirl reduced to one lane from Terry Lane, for a distance of approximately 500 feet, towards Darr Road for culvert work.

The roadway improvement process: after the existing asphalt is removed, the roadway will have a temporary all-weather surface installed. The contractor will then begin grading the shoulders and adjusting the drainage swales along the roadway. Once the temporary surface is installed on both sides of the roadway and the new shoulders, the last step will be the overlay of the roadway and new shoulders with a new asphalt surface.


Culvert crossing construction on FM-550 has begun. The roadway will be reduced to one lane where the culverts are under construction.

Construction of the new shoulders and the removal of the existing asphalt on FM-550, between the FM-740/FM-550 intersection and SH-205, will begin Monday, April 8th. The roadway will be constructed ½ at a time.

The roadway will be reconstructed in sections. The first section of roadway work is the FM-740/FM-550 intersection to Rabbit Ridge/McDonald. The section will be broken down into smaller pieces: 1. FM-740/FM-550 intersection to Berkshire/bridge; 2. Berkshire/bridge to Brentwood; 3. Brentwood to Rabbit Ridge/McDonald.

The roadway improvement process: after the existing asphalt is removed, the roadway will have a temporary all-weather surface installed. The contractor will then begin grading the shoulders and adjusting the drainage swales along the roadway. Once the temporary surface is installed on both sides of the roadway and the new shoulders, the last step will be the overlay of the roadway and new shoulders with a new asphalt surface.


  • During the roadway construction, the road will be reduced to one lane during the day and open back up in the evening. The closure will typically be weekdays 7:30 am until 6:00 pm.
  • Flagmen and pilot cars will be utilized to move traffic through the construction zone.
  • Expect traffic delays during this construction.
  • These are TXDOT roadway projects. The TXDOT office phone number is 972-962-3617.
  • The contractor is Ed Bell Construction, 214-358-6581.

If you have any questions regarding the referenced projects, please contact TXDOT or Chuck Todd, P.E. at the City of Heath Public Work’s Office: 972-961-4885 or at his email: